A 4 step process for clearing RESISTANCE

What are your sticking points?  What is getting in the way of your success? What blockages have you experienced in your pathway so far?

While I don’t like to focus on the negative (because you get what you focus on) if we want to move a fallen tree on our pathway we do usually have to look at it in order to chop it up and move it aside.

You will know if you are experiencing resistance.  While on a conscious level you know, believe and affirm one thing, the physical manifestation in your life will be something else.  Have you for example tried the “law of attraction” and come to the conclusion that it just doesn’t work for you?  Do you think that there must be some hidden secret, some extra piece of knowledge that is missing, and that if you could just discover what it is then everything would fall into place?  Or have you decided that while it works for everyone else it will not work for you – because you are not worthy?

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